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This section helps us to have a general overview of the general collection in Finna. For this purpose we use a separate function fetch_finna. This document demonstrates the use of the fetch_finna function to retrieve data from the Finna API with various queries and parameters.

Example 1: Fetching EAD Records

EAD records refer to archival descriptions encoded using the Encoded Archival Description (EAD) standard, an XML-based framework designed to describe archival materials, collections, and finding aids in a structured, machine-readable format.

Purpose of EAD Records

EAD records provide detailed information about archival collections, enabling better organization, discovery, and access to historical and cultural resources stored in archives, libraries, and museums.

What EAD Records Contain

An EAD record typically includes metadata such as:

  • Collection Title: Name of the archival collection.
  • Creator(s): Person(s) or organization(s) responsible for the collection.
  • Dates: Time period covered by the materials.
  • Extent: Size or physical description (e.g., number of boxes or folders).
  • Scope and Content: Overview of what the collection contains.
  • Biographical/Historical Note: Background on the creator or related historical context.
  • Arrangement: How the materials are organized.
  • Access and Use Conditions: Restrictions or guidelines for accessing the materials.
  • Container List: Detailed inventory of items or series in the collection.
result <- fetch_finna(
  query = "record_format:ead",
  limit = 0,
  facets = "building",
  lng = "fi",
  prettyPrint = TRUE
## # A tibble: 3 × 4
##   value                       translated                   count href           
##   <chr>                       <chr>                        <int> <chr>          
## 1 0/KA/                       Kansallisarkisto           2060481 ?lookfor=recor…
## 2 0/KOTUS/                    Kotimaisten kielten keskus     616 ?lookfor=recor…
## 3 0/siirtolaisuusinstituutti/ Siirtolaisuusinstituutti      1336 ?lookfor=recor…

Example 2: Fetching EAD3 Records

result <- fetch_finna(
  query = "record_format:ead3",
  limit = 0,
  facets = "building",
  lng = "fi",
  prettyPrint = TRUE
## # A tibble: 10 × 4
##    value              translated                              count href        
##    <chr>              <chr>                                   <int> <chr>       
##  1 0/AALTOARKISTO/    Aalto-yliopiston arkisto                50305 ?lookfor=re…
##  2 0/hka/             Helsingin kaupunginarkisto             316666 ?lookfor=re…
##  3 0/NLF/             Kansalliskirjasto                       29685 ?lookfor=re…
##  4 0/merkki/          Median museo ja arkisto Merkki          10774 ?lookfor=re…
##  5 0/pta/             Porvarillisen Työn Arkisto              19804 ?lookfor=re…
##  6 0/FINLIT/          Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura        12240 ?lookfor=re…
##  7 0/elka/            Suomen Elinkeinoelämän Keskusarkisto   447210 ?lookfor=re…
##  8 0/SLS/             Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland  67049 ?lookfor=re…
##  9 0/tyovaen_arkisto/ Työväen Arkisto                        255860 ?lookfor=re…
## 10 0/fsd/             Yhteiskuntatieteellinen tietoarkisto     2218 ?lookfor=re…

More Metadata Formats in Finna can be found in the link here.


This document provides examples of how to use the fetch_finna function for retrieving various types of records from the Finna API. The tibbles contain structured data for further analysis.